Afrofuture world-building is a creative approach to expanding futures thinking.

Our holistic approach is founded on the principles of abundance and harmony. Using the Dinkinesh Method, a culturally specific framework, we co-create worlds that aren't plagued by anti-Blackness and institutional racism. Through this speculative exploration, you will learn about futures research methods and deepen your awareness of Black-centered futures.

Why imagining through a world-build is important: 

  1. Healthy & Healing: Reduces anxiety about the future by exploring the possibilities

  2. Empowering: Increases the ability to be resilient and adapt to changes

  3. Educationally Playful: A fun way to teach foresight tools and grow futures literacy

  4. Co-creative: Builds teams through imaginative exercises


What is a world-build?

World-building is a process of collectively imagining an immersive fictional universe in detail.

What is an afrofuture world-build?

Afrofuture world-building imagines justice-oriented systems that encourage societal health and healing for multi-generational joy.

Areas of focus are myth-making, systems thinking, spiritual reclamation, and innovation exploration

What is the afrofuture?

The afrofuture is non-linear, intersectional, shape-shifting, and ancestral, centering the needs and dreams of Black people now and into the future.

Who is this for?

Afrofuture world-builds are beneficial for individuals who want to create a future-visioning practice, and for organizations whose projects impact racialized communities.


The first Saturday after the Democratic National Convention, we held an afrofuture world-build to dream 20 years into the future about the impact of VP Kamala Harris becoming president. The world-build resulted in a speculative plan of action to help move us toward a glorious collective future. Below is an excerpt of their plan.