The Afrofuture Strategies Institute was created because Black existence is unique, therefore Black futures require special consideration.

Taking into account the long history of marginalization and oppression Black people have endured, the trajectory of Black futures is complex. We have taken on the task of creating, speculating, and defining Black-bodied futures through futures research, scenario planning, world-builds, workshops, and exhibitions. At TASI are dedicated to finding the best approaches to achieving a positive future.

Vision Statement:

TASI envisions a world where the impossible becomes possible through collective imagination and strategic action. 

Mission Statement:

Our mission is to empower marginalized communities by increasing their future literacy through the development of methods and experiences that imagine ethical and just futures.

The Tenents of TASI

We believe in the power of the radical imagination and ancestral practices to serve as the vehicle for the liberation of the racialized. 

We strive for justice for all living beings. We hold the earth, cosmos, and each other sacred.

We believe that speculative thinking and imagination hold the promise of achieving the impossible, and we are dedicated to strategically paving the way to turn those dreams into reality.

We are committed to eradicating anti-Blackness by developing liberatory practices and making afrofuture resources easily available.

The Values of TASI

  • We honor and hold sacred the wisdom of our ancestors and the land on which they lived. We observe and learn from their past approaches and develop new strategies accordingly.

  • Developing Black futures that are filled with joy and prosperity.

  • Bringing great minds together to create the appropriate solutions.

  • Living in harmony with ourselves, our communities, and all living beings.

  • Always innovating through justice-oriented experimentation and creativity.

  • Welcoming change and assisting others to adjust to change.