“I have been studying, practicing, and contributing to Afrofuturism for over 20 years. My afrofuture practice is rooted in non-linear ancestral technology, myth-science, and pleasure. An afrofuture mindset can prepare you for a fast-changing, decolonizing world if properly cultivated. My process grows your afrofuture consciousness by expanding the imagination to embrace the impossible. ”—Ingrid LaFleur

We are constantly fed a heavy dose of fear, influencing our perception and thus guiding our decisions and direction in life. As a result, images of a dystopian future feel more possible and attainable than a positive, just future. Ingrid LaFleur created a future visioning practice that clears the fertile ground of our mind, challenging our internal biases, assumptions, and status quo by planting new seeds of life, connection, and care. That practice is called the Dinkinesh Method. By encouraging curiosity, exploration, and experimentation, the Dinkinesh Method creates the mindset that empowers us to handle the uncertainty of the future and consider the impossible as an alternate form of resolution.

“Highly recommend booking time with Ingrid! In this session, Ingrid held intentional space for me to reflect on my life currently and consider the ways I can integrate Afrofuturism principles into my daily life. We spent time connecting with my mythic self, and I left with new insight, resources to deepen my practice, as well as an a few gems of wisdom that I needed to hear.” D. Hammond

The Dinkinesh Method

The Dinkinesh Method is the process of creating culturally informed futures using the cultural movement Afrofuturism as inspiration. The purpose of the Dinkinesh Method is to develop afrofuture consciousness using myth science, speculative storytelling, and political thought derived from the minds of African descendants. The process is one of expansion and depth. Reclamation of ancestral knowledge sits at the center. The five portals, as we call them, evoke the mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual to imagine futures. Because we believe in the power of joy and pleasure, we encourage moments of play and exploration to help shift your futures consciousness into an afrofuture consciousness. Each portal—Living Myth, Dark Matter, Cosmic Magic, Alter-Destiny, and the Continuum—is an afrofuture journey, opening the mind and expanding the imagination.

The Coaching Process

Over ten weeks, Ingrid will guide you in nurturing the afrofuture within through a series of six one-hour coaching sessions. After the first meeting, Ingrid will develop your personalized plan for daily afrofuture journeys. The daily afrofuture journeys include book, film, music, and art exhibition recommendations for developing your afrofuture consciousness. Five custom meditations will be sent every two weeks, along with daily afrofuture journeys in two-week segments.

The benefits of developing an afrofuture consciousness

After engaging in the Dinkinesh Method process, you will gain a deeper understanding of Afrofuturism, experience a mental and spiritual shift, access a new lens to perceive your futures, and learn how to use afrofuture thinking in your daily life. By the end of the ten weeks with Ingrid, you will have developed an afrofuture consciousness that equips you to discern, navigate, and interpret any situation, now and into the future. 

Who is this for?

Anyone who wants to shift their mindset to accomplish a goal and live a more fulfilling life.

  • "You have to make your own worlds. You’ve got to write yourself in."

    Octavia Butler

  • "I am the alter-destiny, the presence of the living myth."


  • "What we cannot imagine cannot come into being."

    bell hooks