Futures Research

We know the future is coming at us fast.  At TASI, we research the future so that you can act today to prepare for the future. We help you develop a future vision that strengthens your strategy. Our services include world-building, signal mapping, trend identification, scenario development, exhibition curation, and holistic guidance during digital transformations.

Afrofuture strategies create decolonized and just futures. 

For marginalized and racialized communities, knowing what is on the horizon is especially important. We must remain informed so that we can better control our destinies and live out the futures we desire. In order to remain resilient, adaptive (and alive) we must know which innovations may affect our lives. TASI is inspired by this understanding to share with communities of color tools and methods for how to anticipate change and strategize accordingly.

As strategic foresight practitioners, we empower you to become future thinkers

Foresight is a set of methods, tools, and techniques that help organizations explore, frame, and design possible futures. TASI uses foresight to monitor global trends and disruptive changes, with a focus on Africa and the African diaspora. We also offer customized trend insights particular to your business strategy.